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What are examples of primary producers?
A. Omnivores
B. Animals
C. Green plants and Algae
D. Carnivores

Last updated date: 29th Jun 2024
Total views: 393k
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Hint: Primary producers regarded the environment as the basis and have the capacity to turn light energy into organic compounds that all species on this system use as food, there are so many primitive organisms capable of producing this food are among the primary producers.

Complete answer: Primary producers are also called autotrophs, which, through the process called photosynthesis, obtain energy from the natural atmosphere such as sunlight, water, and obtain certain sources from non-living things and produce food. There are different types of primary producers located at different stages on the earth. These primary producers, including plants and algae, use sunlight and water to produce energy. Importance of primary producers no organism has the potential, without primary producers, to produce energy on its own. Without primary producers, no life on Earth could not be maintained because the autotrophs generate all the energy-consuming remaining organisms on Earth, and during this process, they also release oxygen into the atmosphere, which is used by remaining organisms on the planet. And it was thought that the first primary producers on Earth could be the aquatic organism on the ocean floor. The primary producers exist in and around the organic matter in a terrestrial ecosystem. They live and grow where there are nutrients to support them because they are not mobile. Green plants, lichens, moss, bacteria, and algae are among the main producers.
Hence, the correct answer is option C- Green plants and Algae.

Note: Algae contribute to the food web and balance the environment when it comes to aquatic life, especially the organisms living on the streams of rivers and oceans. All algae and phytoplankton have come under autotrophs and all marine and land plants.