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Area of retina devoid of rods and cones is
(A) Yellow spot
(B) Blind spot
(C) Blue spot
(D) Black spot
(E) Red spot

Last updated date: 29th Jun 2024
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Hint: Eye is the significant sensory organ that provides vision to all the living organisms. The picture taken from the eyes shipped to the cerebrum as the nerve impulse by the tactile neurons and their picture recognition of the sent image happens in the brain.

Complete Answer:
- The eye has various parts that must participate in order to convey clear vision. Retina is the same as the film of the camera and thus they are known as the film of the eye. Their fundamental capacity of the retina is to get the picture and change over it into the electrical impulse.
- The retina contains ten layers of cells that participate to perceive light and change it into electrical main impetus. These one of a kind cells are called cones and bars and are known as photoreceptors.
- The layer of the retina has the blind spot without the presence of the rod and the cone cells in it. In this spot, there is no vision and it is the region which has the optical neurons and this aids in the moving of the picture into the electrical impulse to the mind. There are also many blood vessels that supply the blood to the eyes in this region.
- In the cerebrum, the visual acknowledgment of a picture happens. Hence areas where the rods and cones cells are absent in the retina is blind spots.

Thus the option (B) is correct.

Note: Cones are arranged in the central part of the retina. These cells help perceive concealing in the daytime. It helps us to perform fine limits like composition, perusing and evidently seeing people's facial contrasts (e.g., spots). Rods are arranged in the periphery or outer, part of the retina. These cells grant us to find in the helpless lighting and outfit us with night vision.