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Auxin and cytoxin are antagonistic in which of the following functions?
A. Cell division
B. Phototropism
C. Apical dominance
D. Geotropism

Last updated date: 29th Jun 2024
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Hint: Maintenance of the apical dominance in the growth of the lateral buds are the main function of the auxin that promotes the stem elongation and inhibition of the part of the plants. It helps to repair the wounds in the plants and promote the growth and root tips in the buds or stem tips. The formation of the buds in the process of mitosis which helps to grow the plants that increase the stimulation process of the cell division with the function of cytokinesis.

Complete answer: The branch of the main stem is further dominant over its own side of the twins and the central stem of the plant is dominant over the other side of the stem known as the apical dominance in the branch of botany. The outgrowth of lateral buds from the terminal buds exerted control by the plant physiology that described the apical dominance with the plants growing vertically in the shoot apex in the lateral buds. With the help of photosynthesis, plants take energy and source for the growing upward. With the presence of apical dominance, the cytokinesis promotes the sprouting of the lateral buds, and auxin and cytokinin are the antagonistic observed in it. Indole -3-acetic acid, 4-chloroindole-3-acetic acid, phenylacetic acid, indole-3- propionic, and indole-3- butyric acid are the five naturally occurring auxins found in the plants that help to promote the cell elongation in the growth of the lateral buds and other parts of the plants.
Therefore the correct option is (C).

Note: The “Ballerina” apple trees are the strong apical dominance and can grow in the small gardens and very short fruiting side branched that growing with the help of dwarfing rootstock in the apical dominance, and are found within the compact of a narrow tree during the intended growth of the trees.