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Who was the British governor general during the time of the second Anglo-sikh war?
a. Lord Wellesley
b. Lord Dalhousie
c. Lord Mountbatten
d. Lord Curzon

Last updated date: 28th Jun 2024
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The full name of the British governor-general during the time of the second Anglo – Sikh is James Andrew Broun Ramsay. He is also known for the introduction of the policy called “ Doctrine of lapse”.

Complete solution:
Lord Dalhousie was born on 22nd April 1812 in the United Kingdom. Some of the important organizations founded by him include the central public works department and the Tamil Nadu public works department. He served as the governor-general of India from 12th January 1848 to 28th February 1856. He is known by different names such as Lord Ramsay and The Earl of Dalhousie. Some of his important contributions to the country include the introduction of railways, electric telegraph, and public works department. He has also served as the commander in chief in India. He has been honored with the title of “ Order of thistle”. He is also known for the introduction of the “ Doctrine of lapse” policy. It was an annexation policy. The policy stated that the princely state will be annexed or abolished if the ruler is incompetent or died without a male heir.

Additional Information – There were a total of two Anglo-Sikh wars. The first Anglo-Sikh war took place from 1845 to 1846 and the second Anglo-Sikh war took place from 1848 to 1849.

Hence, the correct answer is option B.

The first anglo Sikh war fought between the Sikh community and the East India company. The war resulted in the victory of the East India company. The second war also took place between the Sikh community and the east India company but it resulted in the defeat of the East India Company and the victory of the Sikh community.