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Characteristic of an entomophilous flower is
(a)Long styles
(b)Exserted stamen
(c)Long Stigma

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Hint: Pollen grains need to be sticky to increase the chances of pollination, so a layer of fat molecules is present outside the pollen grain which also protects it from UV radiation.

Complete answer:
To ensure pollination through insects, a covering of yellow sticky substance is present around the pollen grain which is formed from the tapetum, which is the innermost nutritional layer of the anther.
Pollenkitt is an oily layer made up of lipids and carotenoids that makes the pollen grain sticky and of a specific odor. The stickiness of the pollen makes it easier to attach to the body of the insect hence increasing the chances of pollination.

Additional Information:
 Adaptation of entomophilous flowers to increase the chances of pollination-
-The flowers are brightly colored to attract the insect pollinators toward it.
-Presence of a specific fragrance.
-The presence of nectar is there which is considered to be a reward for the pollinators.
-The flowers are large and if the flowers are small they are in groups.
-Pollen grains are heavy and sticky due to the presence of pollen kit
-The stigma is sticky and unbranched.
-In flowers like Salvia, have developed unusual mechanism like the staminal lever mechanism, in which when the insect searches the nectar from the male flower it pushes the lower arm or the lever causing the stamens to move and the pollens are shed on the back of the flower, the same process happens with the female flower and the pollens are retained from the back of the insect by the female flower.
So, the correct answer is, “ Pollen kit.”
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Note: some other adaptation like an orchid where the flowers shape size and odor resembles the female wasp. the male wasp pseudocopulation by mistaking it as a female.