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Check if the number $12345678$ is divisible by 4?

Last updated date: 20th Sep 2024
Total views: 464.4k
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Hint- To check whether the number is divisible by 4 or not we will just follow a simple approach in which we just take into consideration the last two digits of the number. If the number’s last two digits are zeroes or divisible by 4 then the given number is divisible by 4.
Complete step-by-step answer:
Given number is $12345678$
Last two digits are 78
Now, the last two digits are not zeroes, so we have to check whether 78 is divisible by 4 or not.
To check that we will just divide 78 by 4 and if the remainder comes out to be 0 then the number $12345678$ is divisible by 4.
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Since, the remainder of the division comes out to be 2 and not 0 so we can say that 78 is not divisible by 4 thereby $12345678$ is not divisible by 4.
Hence, $12345678$ is not divisible by 4.

Note- For such types of questions, just keep in mind the divisibility rules and for this particular type of question we should be knowing the basic conditions for divisibility by 4 which are either the last two digits are zero or divisible by 4.