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Child of blood type "O" cannot have parents of blood groups
A. AB and AB
B. A and B
C. B and B
D. O and O

Last updated date: 29th Jun 2024
Total views: 406.2k
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Hint: Blood group also referred to as blood group may be a classification of blood supported by the presence and absence of antibodies and inherited antigenic substance on the surface of red blood cells (RBC). These antigens could also be proteins, carbohydrates, glycoproteins, depending upon the blood type system.

Complete answer:
ABO blood type system is employed to denote the presence of 1, both or neither of the A and B antigens.

> Option A - AB and AB/O
AB and AB blood type parents can produce a toddler with only AB blood group. Mother and father with AB blood group can either pass the A or B allele to the baby. AB is co dominant and O is recessive so in these types genotype offspring didn't show O blood type.

> Option B - A and B
Parents having A or B blood type have the likelihood to possess a toddler with blood type A,B,AB,O. During this mother or father features an allele and B allele thereupon has no antigen together allele is present that's why these possible blood groups of kid are found.

> Option C - B and B
In this both parents have B blood type is codominant and O is recessive when cross linkage is their possible genotype of baby may result in B blood type or O blood type.

> Option D - O and O
Both the oldsters have O type blood type then the likelihood of kid group there's O because this recessive combination shows its effect within the child genotype.

Hence, the correct answer is option (A).

Note: Type O is routinely briefly supplied and in high demand by hospitals both because it's the foremost common blood group and since O negative blood is that the universal blood group needed for emergency transfusion and for immune deficient infants.