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Chitinous cell wall is present in
A. Spider
B. Fungi
C. Slime moulds
D. Euglena
E. Cnidarian

Last updated date: 29th Jun 2024
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Hint: Cell wall is a structural layer which is present outside the cell membrane in some cells like plant cells. The cell wall in various cells can be tough, flexible and sometimes rigid. Cell wall provides structural support to the cell and also is protective in nature.

Complete answer:
Chitinous cell wall:
1. Chitinous cell wall is composed of the chitin.
2. Chitin is a polysaccharide which is made from the chains of the modified glucose.
3. Glucose molecules in the chitin are linked with the glycosidic linkage.
4. Chitin is present in the exoskeleton of insects, cell walls of fungi and certain hard structures in invertebrates and some fishes.
5. Chitin is the second most abundant after the cellulose.
6. Chitin is a biodegradable molecule that dissolves over time.
7. Chitin is used in a number of industrial applications such as surgical thread and binders for dyes and glues.

1. Fungi are the filamentous organisms except the yeast.
2. Fungi consist of slender, long thread-like structures called as hyphae and the web of hyphae is called as mycelium.
3. The cell wall of the fungi is composed of polysaccharide and chitin.
4. Fungi are the heterotrophic organisms.
5. They absorb their food by absorbing dissolved molecules by secreting digestive enzymes into their environment.

Therefore, it has been clear from the above discussion that the chitinous cell wall is present in the fungi.

Hence the correct answer is Option(B)

Note: Cell walls are absent in animal cells. Cell walls are present in the prokaryotic organisms (those who do not have a well defined nucleus) and in some eukaryotic organisms (those who have a well defined nucleus) such as plant cells, algae, fungi, etc. The cell wall’s composition varies from species to species.