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Chloragogen cells of earthworm are similar to an organ of vertebrates
A. Liver
B. Lung
C. Kidney
D. Spleen

Last updated date: 29th Jun 2024
Total views: 404.4k
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Hint: Every organism in the world needs to breathe, respire, excrete etc., they all may have different levels of complexity to carry those metabolisms. They can have similar organs but functioning differently. And also they can have different organs working in the same manner.

Complete answer:
Earthworms are the farmer's friend used to decompose the organic waste and make the soil fertile. They have their body functioning which is quite different from humans.
The chloragogen cells in them are placed in their intestine which will function like a liver in a human body. It will store glycogen to convert it afterwards to glucose for the energy. These cells are yellow due to the presence of the chloragosomes.

> Option A - Liver: The chloragogen cells will work like liver in humans. It will store glycogen and will neutralize the toxic level in the body. These cells are yellow.

> Option B - Lungs: They do not have lungs but breathe through the skin. Their skin remains moist to exchange the gases between the bloodstream and the environment.

> Option C - Kidney: They do not have kidneys but have nephridia to perform its function of filtration of blood.

> Option D - Spleen: They do not have a spleen. Spleen in our body helps to produce the RBCs.

Hence, the correct answer is option (A).

Note: Earthworm has a wide variety of its species in the world. They do not have arms or legs. They live in moist areas. There can be more than a million earthworms in a small piece of land. They have lived up to 8-10 years.