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Chloragogen cells of earthworms are called?
A. Green cells
B. Chromophile cells
C. Yellow cells
D. Purple cells

Last updated date: 29th Jun 2024
Total views: 426.6k
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Hint: The cells are named because of their color which comes from chloragosomes and are present in the coelomic fluid earthworms.

Complete answer:
The chloragogen cells of earthworms are stars present in the coelomic fluid (derived from the inner coelomic cavity) of earthworms and other annelids. These cells are elongated with a fan-like structure on one end and the other end is narrow. Their function in these animals is glycogen storage and neutralization of toxins which is analogous to the liver in vertebrates. These cells also participate in the deamination of amino acids and synthesize urea, the silicates that are consumed by the organism along with food are deposited in the chloragogen cells. These cells are yellowish in color due to the presence of yellow granules which give the cells its color. The yellow granules are called chloragosomes, due to the yellow color these cells are also called yellow cells or y cells.

So the correct answer is ‘Yellow cells’.

Note: Chromophil cells are cells that produce hormones in glands such as the hypothalamus, thyroid, parathyroid, and pancreas. These cells contain chromaffin structures and precursors amino acids of certain hormones are accumulated and decarboxylated to form the corresponding amines.