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Chlorenchyma cells are chlorophyll containing
A. Sclerenchyma
B. Epidermis
C. Parenchyma
D. Phloem

Last updated date: 29th Jun 2024
Total views: 338.7k
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Hint: A Chlorenchyma has plastids called chloroplast that contain chlorophyll. A plastid chloroplast contains a large amount of chlorophyll, a green pigment. In order to use the light energy in the production of sugar the chlorophyll is absorbed. In the mesophyll of the leaves, chlorenchyma cells are abundant. It can also be found in some plants' green stems.

Complete explanation:
Option A Sclerenchyma: Sclerenchyma is made of sclerenchymatous cells that are made of lignin; a chemical called substance that gives plants rigidity. Mature Sclerenchyma cells are usually dead cells with heavily thickened, lignin-containing secondary walls.
Option A is not correct.
Option B Epidermis: The epidermis is a single layer of cells covering the plants' leaves, flowers, roots and steams. It forms a border between the plant and the outside world. The epidermis has several functions: it protects against water loss, controls gas exchange, secrets metabolic compounds, and absorbs water and mineral nutrients (especially in roots).
 Option B is not correct.
Option C Parenchyma: Chlorenchyma is known as photosynthesis cells containing numerous chloroplasts. The cells are usually shown in leaves, in young shoots at times. Chlorenchyma cells are of two kinds:
I. The elongation and compact arrangement of palisade cells.
II. Spongy, wide arranged and irregularly formed cells.
 Option C is correct.
Option D Phloem: Phloem is the vascular tissue responsible for organic nutrient transport and distribution. The phenomenon is also a path to signals and has a structural function in the plant body. It usually has three types of cells: Sieve elements, Parenchyma and Sclerenchyma.
Option D is not correct.

So, the correct answer is Option C. Parenchyma.

Parenchyma cells are healing and repairing as one of their most important functions. In its meristematic nature, Parenchyma cells are unique. That means the cells are pluripotent and can be divided into several cells. The way a plant can be cured after a wound plays an important role.