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Chlorophyll A and D are found in which algae
(a)Green algae
(b)Red algae
(c)Brown algae
(d)All of the above

Last updated date: 29th Jun 2024
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Hint Algae is a photosynthetic eukaryotic organism that is aquatic and autotrophic. They lack distinct cells and tissues and constitute a polyphyletic group. They exhibit a wide range of reproductive strategies.

Complete answer:
Chlorophyll A and D are found in red algae. Chlorophyll A absorbs energy from the wavelength of orange-red and violet-blue light and is a type of chlorophyll that is used in oxygenic photosynthesis. It is important for the electron transport chain and acts as a primary electron donor. Chlorophyll D is a form of chlorophyll that is present in cyanobacteria and is used to capture sunlight for photosynthesis and is adapted to an environment with moderately deep water. It is used for red light for photosynthesis where there is not enough visible light. It is a type of eukaryotic algae that is red due to the presence of a pigment called chlorophyll A, phycocyanin, and phycoerythrin. They are found in freshwater bodies, lack flagella, and centrioles. They have biphasic or triphasic life cycle patterns and are multicellular, filamentous blade structural algae. They show the saprophytic, parasitic, or epiphytic mode of nutrition and store their food in the form of starch and polymers of galactan sulfate. Agar-Agar is extracted from red algae and is used as dairy toppings, puddings, and instant food products.

Additional information:
Green algae: It is a type of algae that is green in color due to the presence of a pigment called chlorophyll a and b, carotene, and xanthophyll. It has a central vacuole and can be motile and non-motile. It can be single-celled, colonial, filamentous, and tubular. Their cell wall contains cellulose and stores carbohydrates in the form of starch. They contain stacked thylakoids.
Brown algae: Brown algae live near the shore in shallow waters. The former dance grouping and the lower part of the scalp underwater provide food and shelter to thousands of species of fishes and marine animals. Kelps are a type of brown algae that are seaweed and are consumed by some invertebrates. Algae can bear a range of high temperatures, oxygen or carbon dioxide concentrations, acidity, and turbidity. The rise in freshwater or saltwater oceans.

So, the correct answer is 'Red algae'.

Note: Red algae are considered the oldest type of eukaryotic algae. Diatoms, which are a type of red algae do not show the general characteristics of red algae. The 40-60% of global oxygen for terrestrial and aquatic habitats is produced by red algae. Red algae are the commercial food in Japan and some regions of the North Atlantic. Lichens serve two-third of the food supply for caribou and reindeer who roams the far Northern ranges.