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Chlorophyll e is generally present in...
a. Thallophytes
b. Rhodophytes
c. Mycophytes
d. Xanthophytes

Last updated date: 29th Jun 2024
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Hint: It absorbs blue and red wavelengths giving absorption peaks in between 415 and 654 nm. This is one of the most unique types of chlorophyll found rarely.

Complete answer:
Chlorophyll, a constituent of the most important set of pigments concerned in photosynthesis, the process by which light energy is converted to chemical energy through the synthesis of organic compounds. Chlorophyll is found in almost all photosynthetic organisms, including green plants, cyanobacteria, and algae. It grasps energy from light; this energy is then utilized to transform carbon dioxide into carbohydrates.
Chlorophyll e is an exceptional type found in some golden algae; and bacterio-chlorophyll occurs in some bacteria. In green plants, chlorophyll occurs in membranous disk-like parts (thylakoids) in organelles called chloroplasts.
The chlorophyll molecule consists of an innermost magnesium atom surrounded by a nitrogen-containing configuration called a porphyrin ring; attached to the ring is a long carbon-hydrogen side chain, called a phytol chain. Chlorophyll is astonishingly similar in structure to hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying pigment present in the red blood cells of mammals and other vertebrates.
So, Chlorophyll e has been identified from Xanthophyta members.

Hence, Option (D) is the correct answer.

Additional Information:
There are different forms of chlorophylls active in nature. Few of them are:
> chlorophyll a
> chlorophyll b
> chlorophyll c
> chlorophyll d
> chlorophyll e
> chlorophyll f
All of these reflect the green light but the little differences in their structure let them appear in different shades of green. Due to minor modifications, variations occur in certain side groups.

Note: Xanthophyta is also known as Yellow Green Algae and is very rare among all. Examples of members of xanthophytas are like Tribonema, Vaucheria, etc. They grasp energy from light; this energy is then utilized to transform carbon dioxide into carbohydrates.