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Chlorophyll is present
A. On the surface of chloroplast
B. In the stroma of the chloroplast
C. In the grana of chloroplast
D. Dispersed throughout the chloroplast

Last updated date: 29th Jun 2024
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Hint: Chlorophyll is the green pigment that is present in the leaves of plants. More precisely, chlorophyll is present in the chloroplasts. Chlorophyll is a photosynthetic pigment. This means that it participates in the process of photosynthesis in plants.

Complete answer: The chloroplast is a double membranous cell organelle. It has two membranes, namely the inner and the outer membrane. There is a periplasmic space present between these two membranes.
-The chloroplasts are the semi-autonomous cell organelles. This is because they possess a DNA and an RNA of their own. The DNA is circular and double-stranded whereas the RNA is in the form of threads. The matrix of the chloroplasts is known as the stroma. Also, chloroplasts have 70S ribosomes of their own which synthesize the proteins.
-The chloroplasts contain grana. A single granum is made up of various thylakoids. Thylakoids are also known as the grana lamellae. They are the unit of granum. These thylakoids contain chloroplasts in them.
-Several grana are connected with the help of the channels known as the Stroma lamellae or the Fret channels. The stroma lamellae and grana lamellae have quantasomes present over their surfaces. These quantasomes are a type of granulocytes and they contain a group of photosynthetic pigments inside them.
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Thus, based on the above information we can conclude that chlorophyll is present in the grana of the chloroplast.
Hence, the correct answer is option (C).

Note: Chloroplasts are found in a variety of different shapes in different plants and organisms. For instance, the chloroplasts in the Chlorella are discoid, in Ulothrix has chloroplasts are girdle shaped, in Chlamydomonas, they are cup-shaped, in Spirogyra they are ribbon-shaped, and so on.