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Chloroplast contains maximum quantity of
A. Pyruvate carboxylase
B. Hexokinase
C. RUBP carboxylase
D. None of the above

Last updated date: 29th Jun 2024
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Hint: Chloroplasts most commonly seen in algae and green plants. Chloroplasts are also found in photosynthetic tissues that do not appear green in color, such as brown blades of giant kelp or the red leaves of certain plants. Chloroplast is a pigment based on plastids types. Chlorophyll and carotenoid pigments found in chloroplasts, and are responsible for capturing light energy for photosynthesis. So, as we discussed about the chloroplast Majority of the chloroplast of green plants are found in the mesophyll cells of leaves.

Complete answer:
Option A Pyruvate carboxylase: It is a biotin containing enzyme that performs carboxylation of pyruvate to form oxaloacetate. It is mostly used in the kreb cycle.
Option A is not correct.
Option B Hexokinase: Hexokinase is an enzyme that phosphorylates hexoses, forming hexose phosphate. Glucose is the most important substrate of hexokinases.
Option B is not correct.
Option C RUBP carboxylase: Enzyme RUBP carboxylase is present in maximum quantity in chloroplast. It is the initial carboxylation enzyme which carries out the initial carboxylation reaction in \[C4\] plants. That is dark reaction plants.
Option C is correct.
Option C None of the above: This option does not apply as one of the above following options is correct.
Option D is not correct.

Hence, Option C is the correct answer.

Chloroplast without grana is found in mesophyll cells of all plants. Also, leucoplast is the plastid which has an unpigmented organelle. It does not contain any pigment and grana. The grana chloroplasts were found to be located in bundle sheath cells. Most of the \[C4\] plants have a special leaf anatomy called Kranz anatomy. Examples of \[C4\] plants include- sugarcane, maize, sorghum. The chloroplast without grana bundle sheath chloroplasts is inactive in hill reaction, whereas grana bundle sheath and grana mesophyll chloroplasts exhibit normal photosystem II.