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Choose the correct answer from the alternative given.
More than two alternate forms of the gene present on the same locus are called
1. They are produced due to repeated
2. Of the same gene but in different directions.
3. Their well-known example is
Which of the following correctly fills the above statement?
A. (1) - Epistatic genes. (2)- Crossing over. (3) - Polydactyl.
B. (1) - Multiple alleles, (2)- mutations, (3) - human blood groups
C. (1) - Supplementary genes, (2)- mutations, (3) - hypertrichosis
D. (1) - Linked genes, (2)- crossing over, (3) – alkaptonuria

Last updated date: 30th Jun 2024
Total views: 371.4k
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Hint: The only way to intensify the arrangement of interest so that the large quantities were accessible for the detailed study was to replicate the portion in a vector in the early days of recombinant DNA techniques. It also involves the transformation of bacteria with the recombinant vector.

Complete answer:
• The different types of phenotypes can be produced by the process of a combination of many multiple alleles in different ways in a population. We can say that such types of phenotypes can be caused by different proteins which are encoded for by the innumerable alleles.

• The multiple alleles is the name given to the three or more alternative forms of a gene (alleles). These multiple alleles are capable of occupying the same locus. A new allele can be given rise by a mutation in any base pair.

• The human blood type can be one of the excellent examples of multiple allele inheritance. As we know already, these Blood types are present in four possible phenotypes: A, B, AB, & O. There are 3 alleles for the gene that regulates blood type.

Hence, the correct answer is option (B), That is (1) - multiple alleles, (2) mutations, (3) - human blood groups.

Note: The Aneuploidy is the chromosomal ailment of a cell or creature including an incorrect number of chromosomes. The people who are suffering from Down's syndrome are said to have aneuploidy. It is because they have an extra copy of chromosome 21 (trisomy 21), making a total of 47 chromosomes.