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Choose the correct answer from the alternatives given.
What organisms are capable of photosynthesis?
A. Plants only
B. Plants and algae only
C. Plants and some bacteria only
D. Plants, algae and some bacteria

Last updated date: 29th Jun 2024
Total views: 420k
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Hint: Photosynthesis: It is the process by which green plants and certain other organisms transform light energy into chemical energy.
Plants contain a pigment known as chlorophyll which is very essential for photosynthesis.

Complete answer:
In order to solve this question, we need to know more about photosynthesis.

> Nutrition: It is defined as a process of taking in and utilizing food for the growth, metabolism, and repair of an organism.
> Photosynthesis: It is a process in which organisms like green plants and some other organisms like prokaryotic bacteria convert light energy into chemical energy.

Light energy is used to convert water, carbon dioxide, and inorganic compounds into oxygen and energy richer organic compounds.
So, on the basis of organisms which can and cannot perform photosynthesis, nutrition in organism can be divided into following types:
1. Autotrophic Nutrition (Plants, algae, cyanobacteria)
2. Heterotrophic Nutrition
- Saprophytes (mushroom)
- Parasitic (leeches)
- Holozoic (humans)

Photosynthetic Organisms that are capable of performing photosynthesis are known as photoautotrophs.
Some of these organisms include higher plants, some protists, algae and bacteria.
So from the above options the last option includes all other three options which are correct.
Plants, algae and some bacteria are the organisms that are able to perform photosynthesis.

So, the correct option is option d. plants, algae and some bacteria.

Note: Autotrophic nutrition: It is the type of nutrition in which organisms are able to perform photosynthesis which means they can prepare their own food with the help of sunlight.
For example: Algae, plants and bacteria
These types of organisms who can perform the process of photosynthesis are known as autotrophs.
Heterotrophic Nutrition: It is a type of nutrition in which organisms are not able to perform the process of photosynthesis. And depend on autotrophs for their nutrition.