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Choose the correct answer from the alternatives given:
What are the products of photosynthesis?
A. Water and carbon dioxide
B. Water and oxygen
C. Oxygen and carbohydrate
D. Carbohydrate and water

Last updated date: 29th Jun 2024
Total views: 336.6k
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Hint: The process used by plants and other organisms in which light energy gets converted into chemical energy through cellular respiration, is called photosynthesis. This can later be released to fuel the organism’s metabolic activities. This chemical energy is stored in the form of carbohydrate molecules, such as sugars, which are synthesized from carbon dioxide and water in the presence of sunlight.

Complete answer:
Option A - Water and carbon dioxide: Both water and carbon dioxide are used up during the process of photosynthesis and the end product is carbohydrate molecules. Water is obtained from soil through roots of the plant and carbon dioxide is obtained from air through stomata present under the leaves. Since both water and carbon dioxide are not end products.
Option A is not correct.
Option B - Water and oxygen: As said earlier, the water obtained through roots of the plant are used up during the process of photosynthesis. But oxygen is released as a by-product during the process of photosynthesis and carbon dioxide is consumed. Since water is not an end product.
Option B is not correct.
Option C - Oxygen and carbohydrate: During the process of photosynthesis, carbohydrate molecules such as sugar are produced along with oxygen as a by-product of the whole process. As photosynthesis takes place in plants, they break apart the reactants of carbon dioxide and water and then recombine them to produce oxygen and a form of sugar called glucose.
Hence option C is the correct answer.
Option D - Carbohydrate and water: During photosynthesis, carbohydrate molecules are formed such as sugar molecules. But water is consumed in this process. Since water is not a product of photosynthesis.
Option D is not correct.

Hence, Option C - Oxygen and Carbohydrate is the correct answer.

The process of photosynthesis is mostly responsible for the production and maintenance of oxygen content of the Earth's atmosphere. It also provides the majority of the energy required for life on Earth. Organisms such as most plants, algae, and cyanobacteria perform photosynthesis and are called photoautotrophs. The word ‘Photosynthesis’ comes from the Greek words ‘phōs’ which means light, and ‘synthesis’, meaning putting together.