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Choose the correct answer from the four alternatives given in the brackets:
The most serious form of malaria is caused by
(Plasmodium ovale, Plasmodium malariae, Plasmodium falciparum, Plasmodium vivax)

Last updated date: 29th Jun 2024
Total views: 395.1k
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Hint: According to the WHO report most of these malaria vector species bite from dawn to dusk. Plasmodium parasite is being carried by infected mosquitoes; this parasite is released into your bloodstream whenever bitten by these mosquitos. Plasmodium is neither virus nor a bacterium which is a single-celled parasite that multiplies in the red blood cells of humans.

Complete answer:
In this specific question, we should know that Malaria is a life-threatening disease. Plasmodium parasite is the main cause of this disease which is mainly found in tropical and subtropical climates. Malaria is mainly prevalent in countries such as Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. According to WHO in 2016, the estimated cases of malaria is 216 million cases of malaria found in 91 countries.
When the parasite gets into your body, it goes to the liver via the bloodstream; the maturation of the parasite occurs in the liver for some days after the entry of the parasite. It infects red blood cells. The symptoms of malaria typically develop within 10 days. Some common symptoms of malaria include shaking chills, high fever, headache nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, anemia, etc. The parasite has progressively developed resistance to many anti-malarial medications.
Plasmodium falciparum is a severe form of malaria parasite as it has a higher risk of death. It is most prevalent in Sub-Saharan Africa and Oceania.

Some of the symptoms of malaria are: -
1.Abdominal pain
2.Chills and sweat
3.Diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting
5.High fever
6.Low blood pressure
7.Muscle aches
The people infected specifically with P.falciparum have symptoms like kidney failure, anemia, coma, and pulmonary edema are sometimes observed in addition to the above-mentioned symptoms. In 2018, P.falciparum accounted for 99.7 % of cases in the African region. P.vivax and P.ovale can live in the liver for more than a year before showing symptoms. Malaria gets transferred via transplantation of organs, a transfusion, use of shared needles or syringes.
If recognized earlier malaria can be completely cured. The correct answer is Plasmodium falciparum.

Note: Plasmodium parasite is the main cause of this disease which is mainly found in tropical and subtropical climates. Malaria is mainly prevalent in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. Mosquitoes act as a vector for the malaria parasite.