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Choose the correct statement for digestive system of frogs
A)Oesophagus is very long
B)Food is captured by bilobed tongue
C)Both (A) and (B)
D)Intestine is divided into two parts only , duodenum and rectum

Last updated date: 29th Jun 2024
Total views: 390.3k
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Hint: Frogs are amphibians that can live on land as well as in the sea. In water, their lives begin when they are eggs. Tadpoles, which often live in water, emerge from the nests. When these tadpoles grow entirely, they start to live on ground.

Complete answer:
The Digestive System
It is well formed and has both the digestive glands and the food canal. The frog's feeding canal is not long, but it is short. In the buccal cavity that has the sticky tongue which is bi-lobed, the mouth that is present on the head opens. Into the pharynx and esophagus, the mouth opens.

This oesophagus-like conduit opens into the stomach. It proceeds to the rectum and to the intestine. Via an opening called cloaca, the rectum opens. There are both liver and gallbladder glands, along with the pancreas. Bile is secreted by the liver and the pancreas secretes the juices from the pancreas.

By the action of HCL and other gastric juices which are secreted, food is digested in the stomach. The food is broken down into simpler substances and is consumed and assimilated into the intestine. Any undigested food waste enters the rectum and is transmitted through the cloaca. The operation of a frog's digestive system is identical in many respects to the human digestive system.

Hence, the correct answer is option (B)

Note: The frog is a chordate, illustrating the features of the Phylum Chordata. The frog's body can be separated into a head and a trunk. In a frog, the neck and tail are missing. There is mucus on the surface of the frog, which makes the skin sticky, smooth and slippery. The frog's skin has the capacity to contain water.