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Choose the correct statement/s.
i) The genetic constitution of a plant is unaffected in vegetative propagation.
ii) Rhizome in ginger serves as an organ of vegetative reproduction.
iii) Totipotency of cells enables us to micro propagate the plants.
A) (i) and (ii)
B) (ii) and (iii)
C) (ii) only
D) (iii) only
E) All of the above

Last updated date: 29th Jun 2024
Total views: 402k
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Hint: Plant propagation is the mechanism of a species or cultivar’s plant reproduction, and it may be sexual or asexual. It may occur by using vegetative sections of plants, like leaves, branches, and roots, to generate new plants or by developing specialized sections of vegetative plants.

Complete answer:
First we should know about vegetative reproduction to answer this question. Many plants replicate this way naturally, but it can be chemically caused as well. Asexual propagation strategies have been developed by horticulturalists that use vegetative plant sections to reproduce plants. Success rates and transmission problems differ significantly. Typically, monocotyledons neglect a vascular cambium and are thus harder to spread.
Now, let us find the solution from the options-
>A mode of asexual reproduction is vegetative propagation. Organisms which reproduce by asexual reproduction. The latest plants only produce one parent's genetic material, resulting in poor genetic diversity. They are also simply clones of the parent plant, leading to zero alteration in a new plant’s genetic constitution.
>The vegetative dissemination takes place via the underground stem named rhizome in ginger. Rhizomes are stems that grow underneath the ground horizontally. Small outgrowths named buds in ginger plants carry the stem. A new plant grows from these buds whenever a cutting of a stem along with the bud is submerged in the damp soil.
>Totipotency is a plant cell's genetic capacity for growing the whole plant. This method allowed many gametoclones to be picked, which could be grown into new plants. In vitro clonal propagation of plants from nodal explants or shoot tips is the totipotency of heps of micropropagation and micropropagation.

Thus, the correct answer is option (E) All of the above.
Note:Although many plants develop by means of vegetative reproduction, they often use that process specifically for reproduction. Vegetative replication is not desirable for evolution; it does not allow for genetic variation and could contribute to the accumulation of deleterious mutations by plants.