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Choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the italicised part of the sentence.
His speech was full of affectation.
A. Boasting
B. Pretence
C. Pedantry
D. Euphemism

Last updated date: 20th Sep 2024
Total views: 426.6k
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Hint: The italicised part ‘affectation’ means something which is designed to impress, pretentious. It can be a behaviour, speech or writing. Example: His behaviour is that of affectation. We will look for a word which closely means the given word.

Complete step by step answer:
Let us analyse each option individually to know the correct answer.

Boasting: The word boasting means exhibiting excessive self satisfaction, pride. Talking about self interest and qualities. Example: He is always boasting. This option doesn’t mean the same as the given word, therefore, this is an incorrect option.
Pretence: The word pretence means to fake something that actually doesn’t exist, in order to impress. Example: Beware of his pretence. This is similar to the meaning of the given word, therefore, this is the correct option.
Pedantry: The word pedantry means concern about minute details. Example: His pedantry is a very irritating habit. This doesn't mean the same as the given word, therefore, this is not the correct option.
Euphemism: The word euphemism means the art of substituting mild and soft expressions for harsh and rude expressions to refrain embarrassment. Example: Euphemism for an old person is senior citizen. This is different from the intended meaning, therefore, this is not the correct option.

So, the correct answer is “Option B”.

Some more synonyms of the word affectation are pretension, pose. Example: Don’t pose for the pictures, be candid. Some antonyms of the same word are simplicity, sincerity. Example: His simplicity is his most beautiful quality.