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Chrysophytes are
A. planktons
B. nektons
C. benthic organisms
D. rooted submerged

Last updated date: 30th Jun 2024
Total views: 407.4k
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Hint: In the diverse variety of organisms on this land and water, there are some species which remain in the water only. They depend on the water for their basic requirements. They can be very primitive or complex. They are useful in the aqua economy.

Complete answer:
Chrysophytes is a group of diatoms and desmids. They are the freshwater bodies. They can also be found in marine environments. They fall under the Phylum Protista.
They are very small, microscopic and float via water currents. They do not have flagella or motility on their own. They float on the water surface by the water currents.
Option A: Plankton: they are the small organisms that float on the water surface. They can move on their own but flow with the water current. They even cannot swim against the flow of water. They are food to various other animals in the water.
Option B: nektons: They are also minute organisms. But they can swim on their own. They do not need water current to float them. They are heterotrophic, with larger size.
Option C: benthic organisms: They are the organisms that live near the sea bed. This is called the benthic zone. They are indicators of good water quality. They are food for the bottom-feeding organisms.
Option D: rooted submerged: These are the ones which are rooted deep inside the water. They form a vegetative mass in the water.

So the answer is option A: Plankton.

Planktons are made from bacterias. They have a shelf life of only certain weeks or days. They play an important role in the aquatic food web. They are the source of food to the zooplanktons. They get accumulated at the place when there is a rise in the acidity of the oceans due to any source.