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What is the circulatory system? Write the names of circulatory fluids and materials which they transport.

Last updated date: 30th Jun 2024
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Hint: The circulatory system of humans is made up of a complex network of veins, arteries and capillaries. The heart is a bunch- sized organ situated in the spine cage, a little fair near the left-hand. It is the body part that works like a mechanical and forces blood from the body.

Complete answer:
The vascular system, also named as the circulatory system is a tissue system that permits blood to allocate and transport nutrients (like electrolytes), oxygen, carbon dioxide, hormones, and blood cells to give nutrition and help in combat diseases, calm temperature and conserve homeostasis.

The circulatory system comprises the lymphatic system, which goes lymph. The opening of the lymph instance takes much longer than that of blood. Blood is a connective tissue containing of plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets that is spread by the heart over the vertebrate vascular system, transport oxygen and nutrients to and waste materials left from all body materials (tissues)

Circulatory system has the following functions:
• Maintaining the supply of blood to all the organs of the body.
• Transporting nutrients, oxygen carbon dioxide, hormones to various cells and org.
• Protecting the body from any foreign invasions and disease-causing microbes.

Additional information:
Our circulatory system is made up of four important organs that have different functions and role to perform

These important organs are as follows:
• Heart
• Blood
• Blood vessels
• Lymph.

Note: Human circulatory system or the cardiovascular system (along with body fluids) is of vital importance. Together, they serve as a medium of transportation of oxygen, nutrients, hormones and other important substances.