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What is codominance? With the help of examples explain codominance in human-being.

Last updated date: 29th Jun 2024
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Hint: It is mainly used to find the traits that are equal to phenotype. Here, we are going to see about the co-dominance, its functions, its importance with an example. Through some of the information it could be analyzed.

Complete answer: Co-dominance is generally defined as the combination of together and dominance whereas co refers to together. These will show the alleles equally in the traits and seen in the incomplete dominance. In codominance, both of the alleles expressed equally. Here, this is a heterozygous condition thereby both the alleles at the locus of the gene are expressed fully in the phenotype. Generally, this is defined as the alleles which are independent are referred to as the codominant alleles. Here, neither phenotype is completely dominant. The following is the example of codominance that occurs in the human-being. They are as follows:
 The best example for codominance in humans is the people having ABO blood group. Here, this group is controlled by the I gene that has three alleles with them. This includes A, B and O and also shows codominance. The O allele is recessive to both of the alleles A and B. These A and B alleles are codominant to each other. When a person has this kind of both A and B alleles, they have AB type of blood. But in codominance, this does not matter like the alleles in the chromosomes are either dominant or recessive. In the case of the homologous chromosomes that consist of two alleles with them can also produce proteins. Then, these will be produced and can form a different phenotype else characteristic to that of homozygote. The following table describes the blood type and its genotype.

Blood TypeGenotype

 Co-dominance is also known as the alliance. This is the interaction between the two different versions of the gene. These are the alleles that express the effects along with each other in the offspring. There are no alleles that express the dominant on another allele. So, these are some importance about the co-dominance.