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Define anisotropy. Distinguish between crystalline solids and amorphous solids.

Last updated date: 06th Sep 2024
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Hint:Matter is something which occupies space, has mass and is made up of atoms or molecules. It is divided into three states and they are solid, liquid and gas. The solid state of matter has a definite shape, definite volume and is incompressible. The solid state of matter is further divided into amorphous solid and crystalline solid.

Complete answer:The crystalline solids have anisotropic property. Anisotropic means that solid has a particular arrangement of particles. It will have more than one refractive index. The chemical bonding in that solid will be uncertain. This property is used in polarizers. Through such anisotropic solid light can pass. The velocity of light will be different through all sides. It will cause double refraction.
 In amorphous solids the pattern of arrangement of particles is random while in crystalline solids the particles are arranged orderly. In amorphous solids the solids do not have a defined geometry, whereas in crystalline solids they have definite edges and the crystals have a definite geometrical shape. The crystals of amorphous solids have the ability to melt over a temperature but that temperature is not definite whereas the crystalline solids also have the ability to melt at a definite temperature. The arrangement of particles in amorphous solid is of short order which means the particles in the arrangement show varieties whereas the crystals of crystalline solids are of long order so that means the particles will show an indefinite display of the same arrangement. Amorphous solids have ragged edges due to which they divide into uneven parts whereas in crystalline solids the particular point of directions break as they have sharp edges. The other name of amorphous solids is super cooled liquid while the other name of crystalline solid is true solids.

Note:Amorphous solids are isotropic in nature which is the opposite of anisotropic. They have one refractive index and the velocity of light will be the same from all sides. The chemical bonding in such solids is certain and the light cannot pass through this. It will not show double refraction. For example glass.