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When did lord Dalhousie become the governor-general of India?
a. 1824 A.D.
b.1848 A.D.
c.1856 A.D.
d.1861 A.D.

Last updated date: 27th Jun 2024
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Hint: Lord Dalhousie was also known as the ‘Earl of Dalhousie’ between the years of 1838 and 1849. He was a Scottish statesman and a colonial administrator in British India. He also served as the official Governor-General of India.

Complete answer step by step: Lord Dalhousie served as the Governor-General of India from the year 1848 to 1856. During this period Lord Dalhousie was known to be successful in annexing the state of Punjab to the British administration. He had annexed many states through the 'Doctrine of Lapse', which was an annexure that was implemented by the British East India Company, at the order of Lord Dalhousie himself. During his tenure, the first railway line between Mumbai to Thane was opened in the year 1853 and in the same year, the cities, Calcutta and Agra were connected with the help of the telegraph. Lord Dalhousie served as the official Governor-general of India from the year 1848-1856.
Lord Dalhousie was originally named James Broun - Ramsay. He was also known to be the first Marquess of Dalhousie.
The correct answer to this question is option B - 1848 A.D. when Lord Dalhousie became the governor-general of India. This means that the rest of the options given are incorrect.

Note: Remember the years 1848 A.D. and 1856 A.D. The year 1856 A.D. was the year when he retired from being the governor-general of India as opposed to 1848 when he became the governor-general of India. Also, remember that Lord Dalhousie was the governor-general under whose instructions the ‘Doctrine of Lapse was’ introduced.