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Differentiate between tissue and organ.

Last updated date: 30th Jun 2024
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Hint: A group of cells working together is defined as a tissue and several tissues working together comprise an organ. The heart is used as an example of an organ which is made up from muscle and valve tissue.

Complete answer:
All living things are composed of cells, and a group of cells form tissues. These tissues combine to form organs, and the organs form an organ-system. The tissues perform simpler tasks, whereas, the organs perform the complex functions of the body. The size of an organ is larger than the tissues, and therefore, requires more energy to perform the activities. Let's have a detailed look at the difference between the organs and tissues based on their structure and functions.

Tissues are evenly distributed throughout the body and perform similar functions.Organs are made up of tissues and are organized and perform specific functions in plants and animals.
These are made up of the same type of cells.These are made up of the same type of tissues.
Damage in the tissues can be repaired by the regeneration process.Repairing of tissues repairs the organs as well.
They perform relatively simpler functions.Organs perform complex functions.
Types of tissues in animals usually include connective tissues, muscle tissues, epithelial tissues and nervous tissues. Lungs, heart, liver, kidneys are the different types of organs.

Note: Tissues are formed from cells that have similar structure and functions. Organs are formed from a variety of tissues and they exhibit more complex functions necessary for life. Tissues and organs can be found in both animals and plants. The four types of tissues present in animals are epithelial tissue, connective tissue, muscular tissue, and nerve tissue. The epidermis, vascular tissue, and ground tissue are the three types of plant tissues. Heart, brain, lungs, kidney, and liver are the major organs in animals.