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Distinguish between adipose and the blood tissue.

Last updated date: 30th Jun 2024
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Hint: One is a type of loose connective fat tissue, and helps in the insulation of our body. The other is a body fluid that helps in transporting oxygen and other nutrients to all body parts.

Complete answer:

Adipose tissueBlood tissue
It is body fat, which is a type of loose connective tissue composed of adipocytes (fat cells).Blood is considered both as tissue and fluid. It is considered as connective tissue because it is a collection of specialized cells that will serve specific functions. These cells are suspended in a liquid matrix and hence considered blood a fluid. 
Adipose tissue is obtained from preadipocytes. The main role of the adipocyte is to store energy in the form of lipids. It will act as cushions and insulate our body.The main role of blood is to deliver the necessary substances such as nutrients and oxygen to the cells. Additionally, it will transport metabolic waste products away from cells.
There are two types of adipose tissue. They are white adipose tissue (WAT), that will store energy, and brown adipose tissue (BAT), which will generate body heat. Blood cells consist of three main types. They are red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.
In humans, adipose tissue is present in: beneath the skin (called subcutaneous fat), around internal organs (called visceral fat), in bone marrow (called yellow bone marrow), intermuscular (Muscular system), and in the breast (breast tissue).In vertebrate animals, the blood is synthesized in the bone marrow and this process is called hematopoiesis. The blood will circulate the entire body.

Note: The adipose tissue will trigger various inflammatory substances in the body. When these inflammation turns to be chronic, then it will promote cancer. Similarly, if the blood count increases drastically then it is a cause of cancer.