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How does the baby boom illustrate a break from Depression Era American life?

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Hint: A baby boom is a time in which the birth rate significantly increases. This demographic phenomenon is generally attributed to established national and cultural populations within specific geographical bounds.

People born during these times are often referred to as "baby boomers," although some experts differentiate between those born during generational baby booms and those who associate with the conflicting cultural generations.

Complete answer:
Baby boom –
The rise in the birth rate in the United States between 1946 and 1964, as well as the generation born in the United States during that period. Many couples postponed marriage and many married couples postponed having children due to the difficulties and uncertainty of the Great Depression and World War II.

The baby boomers are an economically influential generation due to their large numbers and the relative prosperity of the US economy during their careers.

The baby boom represents a shift in American life from the Great Depression -
The postwar baby boom, on the other hand, most certainly occurred for more mundane reasons. Young adults willing to start families joined older Americans who had delayed marriage and childbirth during the Great Depression and World War II in the nation's maternity wards.

The postwar baby boom, on the other hand, most certainly occurred for more mundane reasons. Young adults willing to start families joined older Americans who had delayed marriage and childbirth during the Great Depression and World War II in the nation's maternity wards. (In 1940, the average American woman was almost 22 years old when she married; in 1956, the average American woman was only 20 years old when she married.) In the 1940s, only 8% of married women chose not to have children, compared to 15% in the 1930s.)

Note: Between 1946 and 1964, the baby boomers were born. They are probably between the ages of 57 and 75. (71.6 million in the U.S.) Gen X was born between 1965 and 1979/80 and is now between the ages of 41 and 56. (65.2 million people in the U.S.).

The initial impact of a baby boom on personal income is decidedly negative. Baby booms invariably result in changes in the relative sizes of various age cohorts – that is, a rise in the ratio of younger to older adults, as economist Richard Easterlin first observed.