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What does the liver acinus do? How does it allow the liver to function?

Last updated date: 30th Jun 2024
Total views: 387k
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Hint: The liver is termed as an organ only present in vertebrates which detoxifies various metabolites, synthesizes proteins and produces bio chemicals that are essential for digestion and growth. In humans, it is present in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen, below the diaphragm.

Complete answer:
The liver is termed as the largest organ of the human body. It is a very necessary part of the body that is used in the immune system and metabolic functions. The liver is present in the right upper part of the stomach below the diaphragm.
A part of the liver moves to the upper left of the abdomen also. It is usually half-moon shaped and it is tilted in the cavity of the body with the left part of the stomach and the right part above the first part of the small intestine. It is made up of two lobes that are categorised further into eight segments.

Each of the segments has approx. 1,000 lobules or lobes that are also called as liver acinus. Each acinus has small ducts that move towards the common hepatic duct, the liver possesses a large amount of blood flowing through it compared to other body parts. The liver plays a role in the conversion of substances into simple substances, extracting energy, and removing toxins from the bloodstream.

The liver performs out this function by receiving blood with nutrients from the digestive organs through the portal vein. Hepatocytes or liver acinus are the cells found in the liver involved in the acceptance and filtration of blood. So they allow the liver to detoxify the body.
They play a major role as a sorting centre where, which nutrient to be processed, what to store, what to be eliminated, and what to go back into the blood is determined. The liver plays a role in the storage of vitamins and minerals like iron and copper.

Note: Now, as mentioned above the structural and functional unit of a liver is hepatic lobules that are also called as liver acinus That plays a major role in the break-down of proteins, fats, alcohol etc and stored minerals, vitamins, and other substances.