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Draw a frequency polygon for the following data using histogram.
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We will draw a histogram for the given data. We will represent the frequency (number of students) for each class of marks using a bar. Then we will locate the midpoint of the upper horizontal side of each bar. Then we will join all the mid-points using line segments one after the other and this will give us the required frequency polygon.

Complete step by step solution:
We will make a histogram to represent the data in the table. On the X-axis, we will take all the class intervals (marks of students) and on the Y-axis, we will take the frequency (number of students).
There are no students who have got marks between 0 and 10, so we will make a class interval 0-10 (because the values on the x-axis start from 0.If we want to take values from 10, we will have to draw a kink)and take its frequency as 0.
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Now we will find the midpoint of the upper horizontal side of each bar of the histogram. The midpoint of a class is given by \[M = \dfrac{{U + L}}{2}\] where M is the midpoint, U is the upper class limit and L lower class limit.

MarksMidpoint of the barHeight of the bar (Frequency)
0-10\[\dfrac{{10 + 0}}{2} = 5\] 0
10-20\[\dfrac{{20 + 10}}{2} = 15\] 4
20-30\[\dfrac{{30 + 20}}{2} = 25\] 6
30-40\[\dfrac{{40 + 30}}{2} = 35\] 8
40-50\[\dfrac{{50 + 40}}{2} = 45\] 5
50-60\[\dfrac{{60 + 50}}{2} = 55\] 7
60-70\[\dfrac{{70 + 60}}{2} = 65\]4
70-80\[\dfrac{{80 + 70}}{2} = 75\] 9
80-90\[\dfrac{{90 + 80}}{2} = 85\] 5
90-100\[\dfrac{{100 + 90}}{2} = 95\] 7

We will represent the data in the above table using a frequency polygon. We will represent the mid-points on the x-axis and the frequency on the y-axis.
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Here, we have drawn a histogram because it becomes much easier to show different data of different ranges through bars. The taller bar represents more value in a particular range. We can also directly draw the polygon without making the histogram. We will directly find the mid-points of the given intervals and plot their corresponding frequencies on the y-axis. We will represent the mid-points on the x-axis.