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Draw a neat labeled diagram of the taproot system.

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Hint:The taproot is a type of root of a plant. It can be recognized by the central root structure with the other smaller roots that come out from it horizontally. The taproot is a main root of a primary root system which grows vertically downward.

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The taproot is a large, central, and dominant root from which other roots sprout laterally. The taproot is typically a straight and very thick type of root. Its shape is tapering. In some of the plants like the carrot, the taproot is the storage organ; it is so well developed and has been cultivated as a vegetable.The taproot system differentiates with the adventitious root system or the fibrous root system of plants having many branched roots. Also in many plants which grow a taproot during their germination, they go on to develop branching root structures, for example the Welwitschia.

Additional information: The taproot develops from the radicle present in a seed, forming the primary root. It branches off to the secondary roots, which in turn branch to form the tertiary roots. Also these may further branch to form the rootlets. For most plant species the radicle dies some period after the seed germination, resulting in the development of a fibrous root system, which lacks a main downward-growing root. Most of the trees begin life with a taproot, but after a few of the years the main root system changes to the wide-spreading fibrous root system with mainly horizontal-growing surface roots.

Note:Most of the plants having the taproots are difficult to transplant and even it is difficult to grow them in containers, since the root tends to grow deep rapidly and in many species comparatively slight obstacles or damaging the taproot will kill the whole plant.