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Draw the front view, side view and top view of the given object:
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Last updated date: 27th Jun 2024
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Hint: Here we will draw the diagrams of the given three dimensional figure of Hexagonal block from the different views. To draw the particular view we have to project the rays of light from that direction to get the diagram of the required view.

Complete step by step solution:
We have to draw different views of the same object. First, we will draw the front view of the given Hexagonal block.
To draw the diagram of the front view, we will project the rays from that direction and then draw the figure which is being seen from that direction. Therefore, we get
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Now we will draw the top view, we will project the rays from the top direction and then draw the figure which is being seen from that direction. Therefore, we get
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Now we will draw the side view, we will project the rays from the side and then draw the figure which is being seen from that direction. Therefore, we get
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Hence we have drawn the front view, top view and side view of the given Hexagonal block.

In the drawing for the three dimensional objects when its detailed diagram is drawn all the three views i.e. front view, top view and side view is shown in it. With the help of these diagrams of different views of the object makes it very easy for us to draw the real three dimensional object. Drawing of these different views is generally known as the projection of an object. The projection is of two types i.e. First angle projections and Third-angle projections. In First Angle Projection, we place our object in the First Quadrant and in Third Angle Projection, the Object is placed in the Third Quadrant to draw the three views of the object i.e. front view, top view and side view.