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Find 4 pairs of vertically opposite angles from the given figure.
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Last updated date: 28th Jun 2024
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Hint: Vertically opposite angles are the angles opposite to each other when two lines intersect. These angles are always equal. From the diagram it is easy to understand.
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Angles with green colour are called vertically opposite angles and are equal in value. Similarly, the same is applicable with angles made by black colour.

Complete step-by-step answer:
In the question, we are given a diagram with all the angles marked on it and we have to find 4 pairs of vertically opposite angles. Diagram is as shown below:
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Here, taking the top left vertex having 4 angles marked on it i.e. $\angle 1,\angle 2,\angle 3,\angle 4$ . So, as we can see it is a plus sign. So, we will consider cross angles as vertically opposite angle pairs i.e. $\angle 1,\angle 4$ is the first pair and $\angle 2,\angle 3$ is the second pair of opposite angles.
Similarly, taking the top right vertex i.e. $\angle 5,\angle 6,\angle 7,\angle 8$ . So, the pair of vertically opposite angles are $\angle 5,\angle 6$ and $\angle 7,\angle 8$ . These pairs will have the same angle.
Now, consider the left bottom side which is having angles such as $\angle 9,\angle 10,\angle 11,\angle 12$ . So, here also two pairs of opposite angles are there i.e. $\angle 9,\angle 10$ and $\angle 11,\angle 12$ .
Taking the last vertex i.e. right side bottom having angles $\angle 13,\angle 14,\angle 15,\angle 16$ . So, two pairs of opposite angles are there i.e. $\angle 13,\angle 14$ and $\angle 15,\angle 16$ .
So, there are total 16 angles which when pair up for vertically opposite pairs then there are total 8 pairs to such angles i.e. $\angle 1,\angle 4$ , $\angle 2,\angle 3$ , $\angle 5,\angle 6$ , $\angle 7,\angle 8$ , $\angle 9,\angle 10$ , $\angle 11,\angle 12$ , $\angle 13,\angle 14$ , $\angle 15,\angle 16$ .
Thus, any 4 can be listed as answers.

Note: Don’t misunderstand the meaning of this term vertically opposite angle. When two lines intersect and make a plus sign then there are such angles. By seeing opposite words don’t make a pair of angles such as $\angle 4 and \angle 13,\angle 6 and \angle 11$ . These are not vertically opposite angles as they are not made by intersection of two lines. Also, do not take $\angle 1 and \angle 3,\angle 3 and \angle 4$ as a pair of vertically opposite angles because they are considered ad top and bottom angles. So, do not make silly mistakes.