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How do you write $5$ as percentage?

Last updated date: 20th Sep 2024
Total views: 406.5k
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In the question they have asked to write $5$ as a percentage. We know that the percentage is represented by the symbol $\%$. So, we will place the percentage symbol after the given number then we the required result is obtained.

Complete step by step solution:
Given number is $5$.
We know that the percentage is represented by $\%$. Placing this symbol after the given number then we will get $5\%$.

Hence the required result is $5\%$.

Additional Information:
We have the word ‘Percent’. In this word we can observe two words which are ‘Per’ and ‘Cent’. The meaning of the first word ‘Per’ is ‘for each of’. Now let’s look at the word ‘Cent’. The word cent is derived from the word century which means $100$. So finally, we can conclude that the meaning of percent is for each $100$. So, the percentage is a fraction but the denominator is fixed with $100$. So, for example we can write $50\%$ as $\dfrac{50}{100}$. Generally, the fraction form is commonly used in many calculations. We can take several examples for the concept of percentage. Suppose if your annual income is Rs.$10,000$ and if you have to pay $10\%$ of tax, then the total amount of tax paid by you is $10,000\times \dfrac{10}{100}=1,000$.

In the solution we have written the percentage with symbols only. You can also write that one in fraction form. We can write $5\%$ in fraction form as $\dfrac{5}{100}$. While writing the fraction form one should remember that the denominator is fixed with $100$, so we are restricted from any cancellations in the fraction form.