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How to convert $ 56ounces $ to $ tons $ ?

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Hint :Here, we are asked the conversion between ounces to tons. But ounce is the very small unit measure of the weight as compared to tons. Though we can convert the ounces asked in tons with the help of a general conversion unit of ton equivalent to how many ounces then we can make its inverse.
We have to use $ 1 ton = 32000ounces $ , in the given question.

Complete Step By Step Answer:
Let us observe the given value and to be used for conversion.
We have been given ounces and asked to convert that value to tons. But, as we know that the ounce is very small measure as compare to tons we have the comparison as follows
 $ 1ton = 32000ounces $
Using this conversion comparison we can obtain desired value as below:
 $ \Rightarrow 1ounce = \dfrac{1}{{32000}}tons $
Using this we can find out what $ 56ounces $ in tons can be written as:
 $ \Rightarrow 56ounces = 56 \times \dfrac{1}{{32000}}tons $
On solving the above equation we obtain the value as
 $ \Rightarrow 56ounces = 5.714 \times {10^{ - 4}}tons $
Thus, the required value of $ 56ounces $ is $ 5.714 \times {10^{ - 4}}tons $
Hence we have obtained the desired conversion as above.

Note :
This conversion in the above question has a big difference so we have obtained a very small amount in the unit of ton. It can be determined by the negative power on the obtained value and the comparison is observed as the very small. Be careful about the unit and measures given and obtain the correct calculations. Small mistakes can lead to the big difference in the obtained value and the actual answer. Tons to ounces is the comparison between very big and very small measures of weight.