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In Agaricus, the fruiting body is made up of……………………. mycelium

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Hint: Agaricus comes under Basidiomycetes or club fungi in kingdom Fungi. It is called “Gill fungi” because gill-like pores are present in its fruiting body. Its other name is fairy rings because its fruiting body looks like rings.

Complete answer:
- In basidiomycetes, mycelium is septate and uni or binucleate and is branched.
- In mycelium septum is called dolipore septum. One big pore is present between every septum. These septa allow cytoplasm and nucleus to pass from one cell to another cell.
- The clamped connection is present in basidiomycetes.
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- Asexual spores are not present. Vegetative reproduction is by fragmentation.
- Sexual reproduction is mainly by somatogamy where two somatic cells of different strains come close and their apical ends fuse. The basidium is formed.
- Both nuclei come together (dikaryon) and karyogamy takes place which on meiosis forms haploid spores.
- Fungal hyphae grow to form a fruiting body. It is called the basidiocarp.
- Basidiospores are exogenous in origin.

Additional information:
- Basidiomycetes are commonly known by different names. These include mushrooms, bracket fungi, and puffballs.
- They are the most advanced fungi. They are very good decomposers of wood.
- Mycelium can be primary as well as secondary.
- Common rust and smut fungi belong to basidiomycetes.
- They lack sex organs.
- Basidium undergoes karyogamy followed by meiosis to form four basidiospores.
- Their hyphae spread like a fan.
- Cell wall is made up of chitin and polysaccharides.
So in Agaricus, mycelium is branched and separated.

Note: In fungi, there is a mass of interwoven hyphae called mycelium. Chitin is a polymer of N-acetylglucosamine. They have heterotrophic nutrition. They don’t possess chlorophyll. They are multicellular eukaryotes. They are highly capable of recycling nutrients.