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In parasitic food chain, the pyramid of number is
A. Inverted
B. Upright
C. Linear
D. Upright and inverted

Last updated date: 28th Jun 2024
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Hint: Photosynthesis, the cycle by which green plants and certain different living beings change light energy into compound energy. During photosynthesis in green plants, light energy is caught and used to change over water, carbon dioxide, and minerals into oxygen and energy-rich organic mixes. Parasites are the organism which lives in or on the host organism and depends on the host for food and nutrition.

Step by step answer:A graphical portrayal as a pyramid indicating the taking care of relationship and the number of creatures at each trophic level. The pyramidal shape demonstrates that the number of living beings or species is biggest at the base, and is narrowing towards the zenith. The Pyramid of number can be utilized to decide how the number of inhabitants in a specific animal category can influence another.
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The pyramid of number shows the number of living beings at each trophic level. In the parasitic food chain, the pyramid of number is inverted. In this, the essential makers (plants) are least in number followed by essential customers (herbivores) trailed by optional shoppers (parasites). In this, the greatest number of people are available at the top trophic level (hyperparasites). Hence, the right answer is ‘Inverted'
Upright Pyramid of Number: This kind of pyramid is normally found in the meadow environment and the lake biological system. The grass in a meadow environment possesses the least trophic level on account of its plenitude. So, option B is incorrect.
Linear and, Upright and inverted do not possess any area in the pyramid of number. Hence, option C and D are incorrect.
Hence, option A is correct.

Note: There are three types of pyramids- pyramid number, pyramid biomass, and pyramid energy. The two pyramids (pyramid number & pyramid biomass) can be seen in both conditions- upright and inverted while the only pyramid of energy is always upright.