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Who invented the printing press?

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Hint: The printing press was the marked invention and the first printing press was invented by the German goldsmith in the 15th century in Europe. His contribution to technology was revolutionary which enabled the mass production of books and quick dissemination of knowledge.

Complete step by step answer:
The invention of the printing press began long before Johannes GutenbergChinese priests used the process regarded as for block printing about 600 years before Gutenberg, wherein the wooden block was coated with ink and pushed onto sheets of paper. One such book of this fashion is "The Diamond Sutra'' an ancient Buddhist text printed in 868 AD during the Tsang Dynasty of China. Gutenberg thought to speed up the process of printing and by the growing demand for lower-cost books, he created his own ink using linseed oil and soot and instead of wooden blocks he used metal blocks and these metal blocks' letters could be moved to create new words and sentences and known as "Movable-type machine". He applied the concept of replica casting. He ceased to print after 1460 due to impaired vision.

Note: Gutenberg first printed book was Bible which took 3 years to print, now famed as Gutenberg Bible. A total of 200 copies was produced but only 22 survive to the modern-day. Each page of Gutenberg's Bible contained 42 lines of text. Guttenberg's press would not have worked so well if he had not made his own ink. He died in 1468.