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Name the kind of vibration.
i) Give one example of such vibrations.
ii) Why is the amplitude of vibrations gradually decreasing?
iii) What happens to the vibrations of the body after some time?

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Last updated date: 28th Jun 2024
Total views: 407.4k
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Hint: As in the question the graph of a vibrating body is given which has a decreasing amplitude and frequency. It is evident in damped vibration the body stops vibrating after some time and the body comes to rest, these types of vibrations are used basically to absorb the shocks.

Complete step by step answer:
The given graph is of damped vibration, as in graph the energy of the vibrating system is decreasing and the reason of decreasing of energy is the friction and other resistance and with time the intensity of frequency and its vibration stops steadily and the body comes to rest.
The damped vibration is used in card and bike suspensions. A car's suspension system uses damping to make riding less bumpy and more comfortable by counteracting the car's motions while it is on the lane, and thereby reducing them.
The amplitude of vibration of the body gradually decreases due to the frictional force of the surrounding medium, the body continually loses energy in damped oscillations, and thus the amplitude of the body continually decreases.
As, the amplitude of the vibration is decreasing, due to the frictional forces in the surrounding, so after some time the vibration stops and the body comes to rest.

This is a question of oscillation, in this question the concept of damped vibration is asked, as in the damped vibration the intensity of vibration decreases with time, due to the presence of friction and other resistances, the vibration ceases and the body comes to rest.