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Number name for 90, 08,00, 700 is
(a) Ninety crore eight lakhs and seven hundred
(b) Nine crore eight lakhs and seven hundred
(c) Ninety crore eighty lakhs and seven hundred
(d) Ninety crore eight lakhs and seven

Last updated date: 19th Sep 2024
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Hint: Count the place value of the numbers from the last digit of the given numbers. Place values of Indian system for writing a number in words are given as ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, Lakhs, ten Lakhs, crores, ten crore etc. Now, use the place values of the digits given above and start writing the number in words from the beginning of the number.

Complete step-by-step solution -
Indian system for writing a number in words:
Indian number system: The Indian numbering system is used in the Indian subcontinent to express a large number. Here, we write the numbers in digits from the starting but we decide the place value of digits i.e. at what place the digit is lying from the end digit of the given number
The place value of digits from counting the last digits are given in order as ones/units place, tens, hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, Lakhs, ten Lakhs, crores, ten crores and so on.
Now, write the number given in words from the beginning taking care of the place value of the digits.
So, now we have the number 960800700.As we know we need to count the places of the digits from the end of any number. So, observe the places of the given number as following way:
   9 & \to & \text{Ten crore} \\
   6 & \to & \text{Crore} \\
   0 & \to & \text{Ten Lakh} \\
   8 & \to & \text{Lakh} \\
   0 & \to & \text{Ten thousands} \\
   0 & \to & \text{Thousands} \\
   7 & \to & \text{Hundred} \\
   0 & \to & \text{Tens} \\
   0 & \to & \text{Unit} \\
Now, we observe that the digit 9 is lying at ten crore place of the number, it means we need to take 9 and 6 both together and write as “ninety six crore ''. Similarly, proceeding further, we get 0 and 8 are lying at ten lakhs and lakhs place respectively. As 0 and 8 combinedly can be written in words as “eight” (08). So, we get number in words till now as “ninety six crore eight lakhs”
Now, we observe that digits at ten thousands and thousands places are 0 (both).So, we need not to write this part in words, it will be obvious that 0 and 0 are ten thousands and thousands place value of the number if we do not include any thousand term while writing the number in words. So, proceeding further. 7 is at hundred, 0 is at tens and 0 is at unit place, so we can write these three digits collectively as “seven hundred”.
Hence, we get the given number in words as Ninety crore eight lakhs and seven hundred.
So, option(a) is correct answer

Note: Don’t count the place values in both the systems from the right-hand side of the number. Counting the place value will start from the unit place only in both the systems. Don’t miss any place value of the digits in both the systems.