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How many planets are in our solar system?

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Hint panet is not always visible to us as it is very close to the sun and is generally hidden in the sun glare.

Complete step by step solution:
According to the new definition there are eight (8) planets in our solar system.
In the order of their increasing distance from sun
1. Mercury,
2. Venus,
3. Earth,
4. Mars,
5. Jupiter,
6. Saturn,
7. Uranus, and
8. Neptune.
Pluto and ceres are considered as dwarf planet

 it can be seen as a bright spot of light during sunrise and sunset at a particular time of the year This is the reason why, even though it is not a star
This planet is the brightest object in the night sky after the moon
Since it is close to the sun like Mercury, Venus can be seen just after sunset.
It rotates from east to west, which is opposite to the earth direction of rotation west to east
This is the planet that we live on.
It has one natural satellite. The earth takes 365.256 day to complete one orbit around the sun, which is one Earth year.
Our earth is unique
It is the only place we know where life exists
This planet is visible to the naked eye
It looks like a bright arranged star Mars has two satellites phobos and demos
Both are dark dusty and irregular shape
The radius of Mars is a little more than half of the Earth
Its mass is about ten (10) times lesser than the mass of the earth
It is the largest planet in the solar system
After the moon and Venus, Jupiter is the highest object in the night sky
It is the second largest planet in the solar system after Jupiter
The radius of the Saturn is close to that of Jupiter
Mass of Saturn is about one third of Jupiter
Saturn is often called as “Ringed Planet” because it is surrounded by direction of rings of dust and rocks
It was identified a planet by the British astronomer William Hershel in 1781
Uranus can sometime be seen with naked eye but not very easily like Saturn, Jupiter
Uranus has two rings
It was first identified as a planet by German astronomer Gottfried Galle
This planet is not visible to the naked eye
It looks like a star through binoculars and like a small blush through powerful telescope
Neptune has two known satellites

Note: Pluto (Dwarf Planet)
Pluto is so far that it is difficult to see it from the earth
It was discovered in 1930 by Clyde Tombaugh of America
Pluto has an oval shaped orbit which takes it 249 years to go once around the sun
For about 20 Years of its orbit it is closer to the sun than the planet Neptune