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Select the word or group of words that is most opposite in meaning to the words in capital letters.
a. Continued
b. Established
c. Encouraged
d. Revived

Last updated date: 20th Sep 2024
Total views: 411.6k
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Hint:The student should go through the options provided carefully and try to recall each of their meanings. Then the option which is the opposite or closest in meaning the opposite to the word in the question should be selected.

Complete answer: Antonyms are those words that express a meaning opposed to the meaning of another word, in which case the two words are antonyms of each other.
In the given question, the word ‘abolished’ refers to ‘do away with something or someone’.
Let us analyze the options given to us in this question:
Option (a.), 'continued', refers to ‘keep or maintain in unaltered condition; cause to remain or last’.
Therefore, option (a.) is incorrect as its meaning is not antonymous to that of the given word ‘abolished’.
Option (b.), ‘established', refers to ‘bring about something or someone’.
Therefore, option (b.) is correct as its meaning is antonymous to that of the given word ‘abolished’.
Option (c.), ‘encouraged', refers to ‘inspired with confidence’.
Therefore, option (c.) is incorrect as its meaning is not antonymous to that of the given word ‘abolished’.
Option (d.), ‘revived', refers to ‘restored to consciousness or life or vigour’.
Therefore, option (d.) is incorrect as its meaning is not antonymous to that of the given word ‘abolished’.
Thus, option b is correct.

Note: Sometimes the given options in a question where we have to find the opposite of the given word do not exactly mean the opposite of the given word. If this happens, we have to select the option which is the most antonymous to the meaning of the word in the question.