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Siliqua fruit is characteristic of family
A. Poaceae
B. Fabaceae
C. Brassicaceae
D. Asteraceae

Last updated date: 29th Jun 2024
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Hint: The dry fruit which separates at time of maturity in order to form two or four segments which are called valves. They leave partitions bearing the seeds with valves connected on the top. The shape of a typical silique is in the form of an elongated capsule, as in cabbage. A silicula or silicle, is actually a short and broad silique which is as found in a shepherd's purse or Capsella.

Complete answer:
The siliqua or silique is a fruit with two fused carpels where the length thrice the width. If the length is found to be less than thrice the width of dried fruit it is called a silicle. The outer walls of the ovary usually separate when it is ripe and leaves behind a partition which is called a replum.
The fruit Siliqua is known to develop from the bi-carpellary, superior ovary, syncarpous, one chambered initially but becomes two-chambered because of false septum formation. The fruit then dehisces along with two sutures. The fruit of Siliqua is a characteristic found in many species of the family of Brassicaceae (Brassica) while in case of some species, there are silicles present.

Hence, the correct answer is option (B)

Note: In some species which are closely related to plants present with true siliques are known to have a similar structure which do not open when they ripe and are called indehiscent siliques. The flowers of the mustard family are known to possess four sepals, four petals and six stamens. This is the former family name Cruciferae which is derived from the "crucifer" or cross, which is because of the cross formed by four petals.