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Silk fibre is obtained from the stem of a plant.

Last updated date: 29th Jun 2024
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Hint: The natural fibres are obtained from both plants and animals. Silk is a natural fibre which is strong and is used for making clothes. The growing and production of silk is called sericulture. It is the strongest form of natural fibre.

Complete answer:
The natural fibres are the fibres which are obtained from plants and animals.
Plant based fibres are the fibres obtained from the plants. Coconut, hump, jute are some examples of plant-based fibres.
Animal based fibres- The fibres which are obtained from the animals are called animal-based fibres. For example wool, silk.
Silk is a natural protein fibre which is composed of fibroin. These fibres are produced by insect larvae to form cocoons. The silk is obtained from the silkworm which feeds on mulberry leaves called the Bombyx mori. The silk is produced in the life-cycle of silkworm. The silk was first produced in China. It is used to make silk clothes.
The silk is also obtained from the larvae of several insects like spiders, silver fish etc.

Hence, the correct answer is option (B)

Note: The plant based fibres like hemp which is a bast fibre is obtained from the Cannabis plant. The coconut is obtained from the outer husk of the coconut fruit. It is used in making door mats, ropes, rugs etc. The jute is another plant based bast fibre which is obtained from Corchorus. Jute is used to make clothes, bags etc.