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Silk is an:
A. animal fiber
B. plant fiber
C. synthetic fiber
D. cotton fiber

Last updated date: 29th Jun 2024
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Hint: Silk is a fibre obtained from animal fiber Silkworm spins silk. Silkworm is reared to obtain silk. The fibroin is a protein which is seen in fibre of silk. The production of silk fibre can be done by some kind of larvae which produces cocoons.

Complete answer:
Silk is derived from silk worms; it is a natural fibre sourced from animals. These are made from usually different types of proteins. Most popular examples from animal fiber are silk and wool.The type of fiber may vary from species to species. Example: Cotswold and Merino are different types of wool extracted from different types of sheep species. It’s also called natural fibre. These are usually produced from animal hair, animal fur, animal skin, or certain secretions usually from insects such as the silkworm.
Animal fibres used in the production of soft and warm jackets, wraps, blazers, shawls, ponchos, coats and other forms of clothing and accessories.
Silk is obtained from “natural” protein fibre. The most commonly known form of silk is the one that is obtained from the cocoons by the silkworm larvae of the Bombyx mori species.
In sericulture the practice of silk rearing. Certain types of silk are famous for their shiny appearance. Such fibrous structures allow the light that is incident to the silk fibre to be refracted at different angles. so the correct option is (A).
In option(B) Plant fibres are generally composed of cellulose, Examples of plant fiber are cotton, hemp and this option is not correct.
In option(C) Synthetic fibres are made from synthesized polymers of small molecules. Created from petroleum based chemicals or petrochemicals. so this option is not correct.
In option(D) Cotton that grows in a ball or protective case, around the seeds of the cotton plants. The fiber is made of cellulose. so this option is not correct.

Hence, the correct answer is option (A).

Additional information:
Certain types of spider silk are also known for their elasticity; this is most powerful; the silk that is woven by the ogre-faced spider is known to have the ability to stretch to over five times its length without sustaining damage.

Note: Apart from silk wool is also an example of the fiber derived from the fur of animals of principally sheep, but the hair of certain species of other mammal’s example are goats, alpacas, and rabbits may also be called wool.