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------ System of classification was based on natural affinities among the organism.
A) Artificial
B) Natural
C) Phylogenetic
D) Sexual

Last updated date: 29th Jun 2024
Total views: 401.4k
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Hint:Taxonomy is the branch of science which deals with naming and classifying and grouping organisms in different groups. Carolus Linnaeus is called the Father of Taxonomy. He divided the organisms into different kingdoms.

Complete answer:
To answer this question, we must know about the types of classification.
The different types of classification are-
Artificial –It is considered as one of the oldest systems of classification. This system of classification is based on the structural and morphological similarities. It considered only a few characters like position of flower, position of stamens and style.
>Natural- This system of classification was given by Bentham and Hooker. In this system the classification was done on the basis of the descent from a common ancestor that provides natural similarities (natural affinities) . Its main advantage is the heterogeneous and unrelated organisms are not placed in one group.
>Phylogenetic- It is based on the evolutionary relationship of an organism. The grouping is done in the form of a phylogenetic tree called the cladogram.
>Sexual- The Linnaeus system of classification is also known as sexual classification which was based on the structure of androecium.

Thus the correct answer is (B).Natural System of classification were based on natural affinities among the organism.

Note:Importance of classification is that it helps in identification of living organisms. It also helps in understanding the diversity of living organisms. It is also important to study the features, similarities, and difference between living organisms.