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The characteristic feature of family malvaceae is
A. Monadelphous androecium
B. Polyandrous condition
C. Apocarpous gynoecium
D. Polyadelphous androecium

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Hint:-Malvaceae, or mallows, is an estimated flowering plant family comprising 244 genera with 4225 species known. It is widely referred to as the cotton family or the mallow family. In distribution, the plants are almost cosmopolitan but many of which are confined to tropics and sub-tropics.

Complete Answer:-Generally, the plants are herbs (Abutilon, Malva, Sida, Urena), shrubs (Hibiscus, Gossypium), and a few trees (Gossypium arboreum) with all components of mucilaginous sap. Stellate hair is typically covered by young parts of the plants.
The stem is herbaceous (Malva) or woody (Hibiscus), pubescent with stellate hair, branched, erect or spreading (Sida, Malva parviflora).
Leaves are alternate, petiolate, stipulate, deciduous (Malva) stipules, simple, whole or palmately divided or lobed, wavy or serrate margin, acute apex, venation of multicostate reticulate.
Androecium is stamens indefinite, monadelphous, forming a staminal tube; corolla-united epipetal staminal tube, monothecous anthers, reniform, basifixed, short filament, introrse.
Gynoecium is usually multicarpellary five (Hibiscus) or ten (Althaea) indefinite (Abutilon) or 3 (Kydia); syncarpous, superior ovary, penta or multilocular with axile placentation, ovules in each loculus one to many; style one, long, passing through the staminal tube; stigma is the number of carpels.
So from these listed characteristics of family malvaceae we can conclude that the androecium is Monadelphous.

Therefore the correct answer is option (A).

Note:- A number of species, including Abutilon theophrasti and Modiola caroliniana, and others that are garden escapees, are pests in agriculture. Important agricultural crops include cotton (four species of Gossypium), kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus), cacao (Theobroma cacao), kola nut (Cola spp.), and okra (Abelmoschus esculentus). The fruit and leaves of baobabs, as well as the durian fruit, are edible. Garden plants are a series of species, including Hibiscus syriacus, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis and Alcea rosea