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The first Udasi of Guru Nanak Sahib began approximately in _________
A)1480 A.D.
B)1490 A.D.
C)1500 A.D.
D)1510 A.D.

Last updated date: 29th Jun 2024
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Hint: Guru Nanak wanted to tell people about the real message of god as the masses were confused by the messages given by other priests. He travelled in all four directions- north, south, west, and east to spread the message of compassion.

Complete answer: Udasi literally means travel, so basically, divine journeys of guru Nanak Ji are called udasis. After leaving his family, Guru Nanak embarked on his journey approximately in 1500 A.D. at the age of 30 and made his first stop at Saidpur then moving up around East India with his childhood friend Bhai Mardana. He went exploring and spreading his message around Haridwar, one of the most crucial place of Hindu pilgrimage on the banks of river Ganges, Banaras, Allahabad, Gaya, Patna and settle down in Kartarpur ( now in Pakistan)
Guru Ji’s parents were old and were reluctant to allow him to go far from them for a religious journey, but he convinced them by saying that it's a divine call and the real message of God needs to spread. Guru Nanak undertook five journeys in his lifetime, spanning 24 years. After the famous Moroccan explorer Ibn Battuta, he is recognized as the second most travelled person.

Note: Guru Nanak was the founder of Sikhism and is also known as Baba Nanak. He was born in Nankana sahib, Pakistan and died in Kartarpur Pakistan. There are many hymns by him that are part of Adi Granth and the story about his travel and life is part of ‘ Janam-Sakhi” i.e. life stories.